Recommendations in a Rush: What I’m Currently Watching

Hello lovelies,

It has been a long while since I have blogged. Namely because I am super busy at uni and work; but also because I feel I’ve progressed somewhat as a person and am dedicating less time to self-absorbtion…

At any rate, here’s a collection of pictures I’ve watched recently. I’ve included trailers so you can get a ‘feel’ for each. Regardless, my standard warning applies: I’m not recommending them because they’re amazing… in fact, a couple are preeeetttyyyyy average! These are in alphabetical order, so you’ll have to dig through to find the ones I actually like! Happy hunting. x

What Maisie Knew (2012, Scott McGehee)

Four letters: CUTE.

Before Midnight (2013,  Richard Linklater)

I actually didn’t think it was possible to get better than the first two Sunrise films. I was so so very pleasantly surprised. This one’s my favourite.  Does that make me middle-aged?

Beginners (2010,  Mike Mills)

An oldie, but an absolute goodie.

Behind the Candelabra (2013, Steven Soderbergh)

Maybe it’s because I don’t know jack about Liberace, or maybe because I already find Michael Douglas to be the creepiest man alive, but I didn’t love this. For Soderbergh, it was just a bit, blergh. Still, amazing costumes, sad story… just a really BORING script. Baby boy.

Cheerful Weather for the Wedding (2012, Donald Rice)

Even though I’m all #felicityjonesforpresident, this is pretty darned dull. Again, costumes rock. I just think this is one of those stories best told in prose. If you’ve got time and like period romances, I’d still recommend it.

Drinking Buddies (2013,  Joe Swanberg)

Oh, my God, whhhaaaat? This is a bloody fantastic movie. Thank gawd Olivia Wilde has allowed her eyebrows to grow (have you ever noticed that they were always so THIN?!). The cast is hot hot hot (I LOVE Jake Johnson). The drinks flow flow flow. It’s awkward and quite wonderful. Watch it.

Greetings from Tim Buckley (2012, Daniel Algrant)

So, I’m tres familiar with Jeff’s Graceland. And Song for the Siren is a pretty stock standard track. Other than that, my Buckley knowledge was tested with this film. Perhaps if I knew more about Jeff pre-Graceland I would’ve connected more? I liked it. Watch.

Happythankyoumoreplease (2010) & Liberal Arts (2012, Josh Radnor)

How I Met Your Mother‘s Radnor wrote/starred in/directed these two beauties. Liberal Arts is my favourite, but they’re both pretty bang-on.

Promised Land (2012, Gus Van Sant)

Matt Damon is getting old and he’s always been pretty boring. But John Krasinski is hot as sheeeeeeeeet. Van Sant is a genius, DeWitt is a beauty and McDormand is as hilarious as ever.

Shopgirl (2005, Anand Tucker)

Saaaaarrrr old, but saaaaar worth watching again. Fantastic comment on mental health and coming of age. Screenplay by Steve Martin. Danes is fabulous. Does she ever go wrong?

Side Effects (2013, Steven Soderbergh)

Watched this for Rooney Mara. She’s my favourite. Was pleased to see Jude Law. Channing Tatum and Catherine Zeta-Jones were their regular waste-of-space-selves. Date movie? Nothing more, nothing less.

Stoker (2013, Chan-wook Park)

My NUMBER ONE RECOMMENDATION. BLOODY FANTASTIC. WATCH THIS MOVIE. Gothic in all it’s glamour. Loved it. Also, Australia represent!! Go Mia and Nicole!

Syrup (2013, Aram Rappaport)

Weird and super dumb. But kind of fun.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2013, Mira Nair)

This one is a MUST WATCH. As in, go and get it NOW. Not perfect by any stretch, but so worth the trip to the video store.

Touchy Feely (2013, Lynn Shelton)

Currently half way through this one. I’ll keep you posted.